Master of Science in Nursing – Nursing Informatics Online

Become a driving force behind improved patient outcomes. Earn your master’s in nursing informatics online and qualify for in-demand roles at the intersection of healthcare, management, data and information systems.

5/2/25 Apply by
5/12/25 Start class Apply Now
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Program Overview

Accelerate your professional growth with an online Master of Science in Nursing – Nursing Informatics

Operate at the forefront of healthcare innovation. Complete your fully accredited online master’s degree in nursing informatics and become a highly valued specialist who knows how to strategically leverage data to create efficiencies in healthcare delivery and workflow processes. Serve as a liaison between system developers and clinicians and deepen your knowledge of related regulations and practices. Finish in as few as 14 to 24 months and qualify for in-demand roles in a variety of healthcare settings.

With no GMAT or GRE required, this affordable online program prepares you to sit for exams, including the ANCC Informatics Nursing Certification exam and the Certified Associate in Healthcare Information Management Systems (CAHIMS) exam.

Learning outcomes for a nursing informatics master’s degree:

  • Demonstrate skills necessary to integrate technology and use information systems to support evidence-based decision-making
  • Analyze current regulations and practices around healthcare and clinical data
  • Perform data analysis and reporting related to both patient and/or system outcomes
  • Analyze workflow processes in various clinical settings to improve the healthcare delivery process
  • Manage communications and relationships between system developers and interprofessional clinical users to support system and patient outcomes
  • Demonstrate skills necessary to integrate technology and use information systems to support evidence-based decision-making
  • Analyze current regulations and practices around healthcare and clinical data
  • Perform data analysis and reporting related to both patient and/or system outcomes
  • Analyze workflow processes in various clinical settings to improve the healthcare delivery process
  • Manage communications and relationships between system developers and interprofessional clinical users to support system and patient outcomes

Career opportunities with an online MSN in Nursing Informatics:

  • Nurse Informatics Educator
  • Nurse Informaticist
  • Nursing Informatics Specialist
  • Nursing Informatics Clinician
  • Clinical Nurse Informatics Specialist
  • Chief Nursing Informatics Officer
  • Perioperative Informatics Nurse
  • Telehealth Clinical Coordinator
  • Electronic Health Record System Integration Specialist
  • Informatics Consultant
  • Quality Improvement
  • Nurse Informatics Educator
  • Nurse Informaticist
  • Nursing Informatics Specialist
  • Nursing Informatics Clinician
  • Clinical Nurse Informatics Specialist
  • Chief Nursing Informatics Officer
  • Perioperative Informatics Nurse
  • Telehealth Clinical Coordinator
  • Electronic Health Record System Integration Specialist
  • Informatics Consultant
  • Quality Improvement

Other online nursing programs available:

Millersville University offers a variety of affordable nursing programs in a flexible online format. Explore our full range of online nursing programs.

$22,385* Total Tuition
As few as 14-24 months Duration
37 Credit Hours


The Millersville University Master’s Degree in Nursing, Post-Graduate Certificate in Nursing, and Doctor of Nursing Practice Programs are accredited by the National League for Nursing Commission for Nursing Education Accreditation (NLN CNEA) located at 2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20037. 202-909-2487.

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Discover the quality and affordability of our online MSN in Nursing Informatics

Millersville University offers accessible and affordable online nursing programs. Take advantage of affordable, pay-by-the-course tuition for our Master of Science in Nursing – Nursing Informatics online program.

Tuition breakdown:

$22,385* Total Tuition
$605 Per Credit Hour


Review important start dates and deadlines

Millersville online programs are flexible and convenient, offering multiple start dates per year. View the calendar to choose your start date and review the corresponding deadlines.

7-week coursesProgram Start DateApplication DeadlineDocument DeadlineRegistration DeadlinePayment Due
Spring 23/17/253/7/253/11/253/17/253/17/25
Summer 15/12/255/2/255/5/255/12/255/12/25
Summer 26/30/256/20/256/23/256/30/256/30/25
Fall 18/25/258/15/258/18/258/25/258/25/25
Fall 210/20/2510/10/2510/13/2510/20/2510/20/25

The course drop deadline is two days after each term start. Make sure to have any course adjustments made prior to that deadline.

Now enrolling:

5/2/25 Apply Date
5/12/25 Class Starts

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What you need for admission to the online MSN Nursing Informatics program

Review our streamlined admission process for this online nursing program. Requirements for the Master of Science in Nursing – Nursing Informatics online program include:

  • Complete the online application and submit application fee(s)
  • Official transcript(s) from all previous colleges or universities attended
  • Active RN license in Pennsylvania or in the state where clinical practice or internship is to be arranged
  • BSN from an accredited program
  • Undergraduate grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale
    • When GPA is below this, provisional acceptance may be considered if the candidate demonstrates graduate study potential by other means
  • Two professional letters of recommendation
  • Statement of intent (include why you’re interested, why you think you would succeed in the program and what you plan to do with the degree in the future)
  • Minimum of one year of clinical experience in nursing, but two years is preferred
    • Waived for graduates of the Millersville University BSN program
  • Interview with nursing program coordinator
    • MU assumes all materials will be submitted at least one week in advance of the interview, allowing the University to make an immediate decision afterward. Interviews can be scheduled with incomplete applications, but the admission decision will be delayed until all outstanding materials are submitted.

Provide the additional documents listed below with your completed application:

  • Current resume or curriculum vitae (include all clinical experience to date)
  • Copy of your RN license (include state where licensure is held, RN number and expiration date)
  • Verify the completion of the following courses (include name of the course, institution and year completed):
  • Undergraduate or graduate Statistics course
  • Undergraduate or graduate Research course in Nursing
  • Undergraduate or graduate Physical Assessment course

Instructions for document submission

Applicants can submit transcripts/documents to:

Email: [email protected]

Millersville University
c/o Graduate Admissions
PO Box 1002
Millersville, PA 17551


  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing
  • Active RN license
  • One year of clinical nursing experience


Take a closer look at the online Master of Science in Nursing – Nursing Informatics courses

Students in the online MSN Nursing Informatics program must complete a total of 37 credit hours. Required coursework includes seven core courses (22 hours) and five concentration courses (15 hours).

Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course serves at the introductory course for the Masters of Science in Nursing degree. It is designed to provide a foundation to advance practice nursing. In this course, students will explore nursing concepts and theory. Emphasis is placed on bridging the theory – practice gap. Students will apply this theoretical basis in exploring advanced practice role development. Advanced nursing practice core competencies will be introduced and analyzed.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Advanced research in nursing builds on previous knowledge of research and statistics to develop a research-oriented approach to practice. The learner will analyze methods and techniques of research and interpret their usefulness for application in practice. Theory and practice will be used in defining nursing problems and in development of a research proposal. Prereq/Coreq: NURS 501
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course will provide an in-depth analysis of the issues impacting the practice of advanced nursing by focusing on the historical, social, and political forces which impact advanced nursing practice. The advanced nurse’s roles and responsibilities in understanding and shaping health policy are considered.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Discussion of the ways in which information and technology influence practice and decision -making in various aspects and specialties of nursing practice, such as clinical, education, leadership and research, is the major focus of the course. Advances in technology that support and enhance the delivery of care and interdisciplinary communication are addressed. The legal, ethical, cultural, economic and social factors affecting healthcare are also explored.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Focus on evidence-based practices to promote sustainable planetary health. Global health is centered in health-related issues that extend beyond national border and is derived from the intersection of public health and international health. The UN Sustainable Development Goals provide a structure through which health, the environment, and human interaction are examined.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 4
Builds upon previous knowledge in physical assessment, pathophysiology, and pharmacology. Using a systems approach, examines principles of select well and disease states. Provides the opportunity to assess, analysis, and explore the findings, treatment, and evaluation of common health issues. Analyzes the relationships between assessment findings, physiologic changes, and pharmaceutical treatments.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Capstone project is intended to be innovative, scholarly, and relevant to advanced nursing practice. It is completed under the supervision of an individual faculty member. Taken during last year of MSN curriculum courses.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Advanced discussion the role and impact of the nursing informatics specialist. Analysis of the impact on health and safety (QSEN) outcomes, as well as the impact of the human-technology interaction is included. Additional focus on the impact of technological and societal trends on patients and patient outcomes, as well as compliance and regulatory mandates. Prereq: NURS 504
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Focused on the impacts of knowledge discovery and meta-analysis of data trends to impact healthcare outcomes. Understanding workflow processes, informatics solutions and their interplay are core concepts address. Methods to synthesize knowledge, use decision support and outcomes management to support reimbursement and advanced nursing science are addressed. Prereq: NURS 504
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Examination of the role of design thinking and project management on operational architecture and information management. Consideration of the system life cycle to manage information exchange and accomplish key clinical operations. Prereq: NURS 504
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Introduction the principles of data science and data analytics in context of healthcare. Focus on use of data, data visualization, and data analysis to impact and improve patient care outcomes and healthcare workflow processes. Examination spans generation of quality data using common languages through analysis, application, and evaluation. Prereq: NURS 504
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course provides an opportunity to integrate theory and practice through an intensive practicum experience. The practicum provides the opportunity for the nursing informatics student to develop advanced clinical experience within a selected population and/or setting (84 hours of practicum required). Prereq: 641, 642, 642, & 644

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